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Purpose of Pursuit

 Satan and his minions work diligently to make us believe we have no value. He knows that if we believe that lie, we are much more apt to abandon the plans God has for us. This was certainly true for me as many years were spent living life per my own will with no regard to the plans God had prepared for me. That is a litter nicer way to say I made a mess of it! The derailment cost me time with God that I will never get back but in His grace and with never ending patienceHe grew me and sanctified me through it ! 


With the help of the Holy Spirit, I seek to speak truth to the hearts of women who are in the thick of the battle with the one who seeks to destroy.

Shining a light on all the ways we are precious to our creator and how much He wants us and values us is my main goal and mission. I believe the Lord has led me to share my experiences, hurts and insecurities as a means to 

open hearts and minds to receive the grace and love God freely offers us.  

Stop Believing The Lies

Are you struggling to see your significance and value? I know how you feel; I have been there. Like you, I was not living my life to the fullest and believed I was not able to receive God's best for me. I thought that was for other people.


With the help from the Holy Spirit, I overcame that extremely harmful mindset and am now able to use my experiences to help other women do the same. The moment that I stopped letting Satan win, I began to appreciate who God created me to be and started to take action towards my purpose.


My mission and God's will for my life became crystal clear and I gained a closer relationship with the one who created me. Now, I have the privaledge to help other women like you by guiding you to a true understanding of who God is and how much He loves you!


Not only helping you to realize your own value but also a new appreciation for others and how uniquely God designed us all.


Here is the plain and simple truth; You are Beautiful as YOU!

New Breakfast Menu

Pastries - $4

Butter Croissant - $2.5

Coffee/Tea - $1

Fresh Juice - $2

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